Grand Canyon News Week of Feb 25, 2019

The 103-year-old Grand Canyon junior ranger who’s older than the park itself
Rose Torphy has had a large life. At 103 she has just become the oldest-ever junior park ranger at the Grand Canyon National Park —

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As Grand Canyon National Park turns 100, two friends hike the entire length to save it
As one of the nation’s favorite national parks marks its centennial on February 26, 2019, adventure photographer and videographer Pete McBride decided to hike the length of the canyon to highlight threats to its existence.

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New Arizona road signs commemorate Grand Canyon park centennial
Gov. Doug Ducey unveiled new signs celebrating the 100-year anniversary of Grand Canyon National Park on Wednesday, paying tribute to the landmark synonymous with the state’s identity and vital to its tourism economy.

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What if the Grand Canyon had been our second national park?
Depending on how you count — whether you include earlier national parks that were later eliminated, for instance — the Grand Canyon was either our 12th or 15th national park, or somewhere in between

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New Book Explores The Future Of The Grand Canyon With Climate
With changes in weather patterns, plus the constant pressure of private interests, what will the canyon look like 100 years from now?

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‘You Can’t Push the Land Too Hard.’ How Mapping the Grand Canyon Shaped a Vision of Climate Trouble to Come
It’s been a century since Congress passed the act that designated the Grand Canyon in Arizona as a national park. But the centennial of that Feb. 26, 1919, law is in some ways a bittersweet anniversary.

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