Grand Canyon Visitor Center IMAX

Three ways to enjoy the canyon.

Three women with varying shades of gray hair approached the information counter at the Visitor Center in Tusayan.  Their faces were strained and showed signs of fatigue.  Not a happy camper group on vacation!!!  We chatted a bit then they shared their story with me.

They were sisters who had not seen each other for over 30 years.  It was decided to meet on ‘neutral ground’ at the Grand Canyon, and they needed assistance in deciding how to spend their time together. I decided it was a good time to tell them about the THREE SISTERS Native American story: tall corn over-sees, flexible beans, and the stable squash.  Together we combined history with a tour of the Kolb Studio and the Harvey museum, shopping at the Hopi House, and then out to Desert View the following morning to watch the Canyon slowly open her eyes to greet another day filled with promises.  A fresh start with all the yesterdays wiped clean.

Three sisters. Three different ways to enjoy the canyon together.

Stop in the Grand Canyon Visitor Center IMAX in Tusayan and share your story.  Together we can make your memories happen!

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About the Author

Joy Grand Canyon

Joy taught environmental sciences at Southern Vermont College and became active in outdoor land use.  Joy now lives ‘off-the-grid’ near the Grand Canyon on an acreage with solar power, and hauls water for her own needs and for her struggling raised-bed desert garden, dogs, cat, chickens, and Garrett-the-goose. Joy has rafted the Colorado River from Moab to Lake Mead, hiked many of the trails, and stayed at Phantom Ranch several times either by hiking or by mule.  Learning and reading is her passion, and she is constantly learning more about the Grand Canyon.

Joy is well traveled but never found a place that was more well suited for her than the Grand Canyon.  This is her home.  Stop in the Grand Canyon Visitor Center IMAX and allow her to share her home with you.