Watch a painting being created……

Artists have tried to capture the heart and soul of the Grand Canyon for hundreds of years through dance, songs, paintings, music, pottery, sculptures, poetry and prose. And the quest continues. A painting of the canyon by Bierstadt can bring tears to my eyes as a single moment of light and emotion is expressed on canvas with a stroke of a brush.

Visit the Grand Canyon Visitor Center IMAX in Tusayan and see a work of art being created by George Dorado Blanco in the court yard. The subject he has chosen is a mural of the Desert Tower, and he is in the process of translating his love and passion into an incredible work of art. It is a creation in the making. Just as each note becomes a song; each stich becomes a blanket; each stoke of the brush becomes part of the mural that George is creating.

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About the Author

Joy Grand Canyon

Joy taught environmental sciences at Southern Vermont College and became active in outdoor land use.  Joy now lives ‘off-the-grid’ near the Grand Canyon on an acreage with solar power, and hauls water for her own needs and for her struggling raised-bed desert garden, dogs, cat, chickens, and Garrett-the-goose. Joy has rafted the Colorado River from Moab to Lake Mead, hiked many of the trails, and stayed at Phantom Ranch several times either by hiking or by mule.  Learning and reading is her passion, and she is constantly learning more about the Grand Canyon.

Joy is well traveled but never found a place that was more well suited for her than the Grand Canyon.  This is her home.  Stop in the Grand Canyon Visitor Center IMAX and allow her to share her home with you.

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