Winter mean fewer visitors at the canyon and the lookout points are not as congested. Beginning December 1 st, access to Hermits Rest Road will be open to private vehicles. Free transportation will still be available and is really easier to see all the over-looks. The free shuttles stop at every overlook and another shuttle arrives in 15 minutes to take you on your way again. And taking your own vehicle also means that the driver needs to concentrate on driving and not viewing the canyon as well as looking for parking spaces.

Another winter change is at Kolb Brother’s Studio. During the winter a special art exhibit is on display with various artists showing their vision of the Grand Canyon. It is a wonderful experience to see the canyon through different eyes and different mediums.

And while you are at the Kolb studio, remember that not only is the home/studio built ON the rim of the canyon, OVER the rim……and they raised their daughter there.

Inquire at the studio for any tours of the home/studio might be available.

National Park presentations are still given throughout the winter. The Yavapai Geology museum has ranger led discussions as well as other programs. Check out the scheduling for events when you stop in at the visitor center in National Park to watch the movie and visit the gift store. Also, bike rental s are located in that same area.

The Grand Canyon mule rides are still available on the South Rim starting every day at 10 am. Check in at the Bright Angel Transportation desk for details and to sign in.

Related:  Initiative Launches New Safety Awareness Film for Hikers

Lots to see and do in the winter at the Grand Canyon!! Add stopping at the Visitor Center in Tusayan to see the IMAX movie about the Grand Canyon.

About the Author

Joy Grand Canyon

Joy taught environmental sciences at Southern Vermont College and became active in outdoor land use.  Joy now lives ‘off-the-grid’ near the Grand Canyon on an acreage with solar power, and hauls water for her own needs and for her struggling raised-bed desert garden, dogs, cat, chickens, and Garrett-the-goose. Joy has rafted the Colorado River from Moab to Lake Mead, hiked many of the trails, and stayed at Phantom Ranch several times either by hiking or by mule.  Learning and reading is her passion, and she is constantly learning more about the Grand Canyon.

Joy is well traveled but never found a place that was more well suited for her than the Grand Canyon.  This is her home.  Stop in the Grand Canyon Visitor Center IMAX and allow her to share her home with you.