Grand Canyon News Week of July 21st 2014

Feds: No wolves to roam in Grand Canyon
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is scrapping any immediate plans to allow the beleaguered Mexican gray wolf population to expand north to the Grand Canyon, as many wolf advocates and scientists have advocated in recent years.

Source:    AZ Daily Sun
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Will the Proposed Gondola Scar Grand Canyon?
World famous Grand Canyon view could be in danger of by a man-made aberration. Scottsdale developerhave proposed a $150-million gondola attraction.

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Dying at the Grand Canyon
So, there’s little risk for canyon visitors, but have the deaths there really been from people going over the edge?

Source:  Five Thirty Eight
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Protect Grand Canyon, don’t allow eyesores on South Rim
Why would we need to put more development at the Grand Canyon?

Source:  AZ Central
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Changes Coming For Grand Canyon Runners
Will the Grand Canyon’s trails be devoid of runners after a new backcountry management plan gets implemented this fall?

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Warning for Grand Canyon Visitors: Stay away from bats
Officials warned Grand Canyon visitors after a bat landed on a woman near the Desert View Visitor’s Center and crawled on her shorts, shirt and leg for…

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North Rim – Paradise at the Grand Canyon
Visitors don’t realize is that the less visited North Rim of the Grand Canyon is paradise: Next to no crowds, easy parking, multiple breathtaking overlooks

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