Grand Canyon News Week of Oct 1st 2018

Climate change is destroying US national parks at an alarming rate, study finds
Climate change could kill most of the park’s iconic trees, wildfires may transform the towering conifer forests at Yellowstone National Park into scarred grasslands, and once-mighty ice sheets in the north will probably melt and flow into the sea, making Glacier National Park both an obsolete name and a hard lesson about environmental degradation.

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Watch: Actor Will Smith bungee-jumped from a helicopter over the
Hollywood actor Will Smith made the big leap on his 50th birthday as he bungee-jumped into the Grand Canyon in Arizona, US.

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Film series highlights Wild and Scenic Rivers
A collection of short films highlighting different rivers will be shown at Big Horn Cinemas on Thursday…

Source: www.codeenterprise.comf
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Enjoy a winter getaway at a national park
While national parks are popular places during the summer, they’re also great destinations for a wintertime getaway, whether you want to ski or enjoy some sun.

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