What am I thinking?
Leave a comment with a caption of what this squirrel is thinking for a chance to win a Visitor Center prize pack!
We were so inspired by all the great photos coming in through our “Almost Famous” contributors that we decided to put together a fun little photo caption contest. In particular, Elaine Tremblay sent us a photo that was screaming for a witty caption. Check out the photo above and suggest what the squirrel was thinking at the moment of image capture. Leave it in the comment section of this web page and have your friends check it out and “like” your comment. The comments with the most likes will be reviewed and a winner will be proclaimed by our highly esteemed panel of judges! Contest: Come up with a witty/funny/profound caption for the Grand Canyon Squirrel image. The highest rated captions will be reviewed and a winner will be proclaimed. Prizes: The prize pack includes a Grand Canyon Airlines gift certificate (must be used in 2012), a IMAX “Grand Canyon: Rivers of Time” DVD and Visitor Center Store prize pack valued at $50. Total prize pack: $350. Rules & Regulations: Captions should not include profanity or derogatory comments. Captions must be in English. (This squirrel only speaks English.) Contest runs from August 14 – September 5th, 2012. Winner will be contacted via email address provided. If there is no response after 3 email attempts, the prize pack will be given to a runner up. Prize pack will be sent via Fedex to an address provided. The prize pack must be accepted as is and has no cash value. Please note, your comment will not be immediately viewable. We are moderating comments and not publishing anything indecent. Check back frequently as we will be reviewing comments shortly after receiving. CONTEST CLOSED
Hello, Hello, HELLO!
Where did I put that nut?
I am not related to a lemming, I am not related to a lemming……
The photo caption contest has been fun….echo….echo…echo….echo
I’m pretty sure there is a tree somewhere out there. If only I brought those binoculars!
I DID build that!
I thought they said it was Grand?
When is Herschel gonna get here with the nuts…
Is Clint Eastwood crazy???
I did build this!
When was the last time I had my tail fluffed?
Without love, I am nothing at all.
I see a nut!
That’s not a big hole. My Wife’s mouth? Now THAT’s a big hole.
Maybe I can ride down to the bottom on a burro –
My little feet are sooooo tired !
OMG!Picture shoot for the Visitor Center!!I hope the camera doesnt make my butt look big…such beauty!
“Falling asleep in NASA’s Mars rover; Curiosity, Was probably the nuttiest thing I’ve ever done.”
Uh-Oh…did I turn off the oven?
I miss my squirrelfriend:(
I am a nut or do I want one?…
How will I EVER jump across this!!!!
How will I EVER jump across this!!!
He’s a flying squirrel I beg to differ!
Ah, Nuts, I Know I Dug A Hole – Put My Nut In It. Hey, Someone Stole My Nut!
Dangit! Of all days to forget my hiking boots!
My GPS said SMALL detour!?
Aren’t these colors grand?
A canyon – of endless possibilities awaits…
WOW,isn’t this Grand
Wow, I think I might need a little help here,
Wait, Am I a Flying Squirl? I forget. Oh Well, Here Goes…
I just know I’m going to get blamed for this!
Grasshopper say: ” No jump -Back Up Slow -Turn Around then Go!”
TOTO!!! I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.
Oh WOW! That tree is along ways away!
i wish i were a flying squirrel!
WOW! How many nuts I are hidden in there? Eat your heart out Scrat!
Hmmm… I could hide a lot of nuts in that hole!
Now is the time to find out I’m part flying squirrel! If I don’t make it back, tell my wife I love her.
Mom said I have a cousin who’s a flying squirrel. I wonder if I jumped in the spread-eagle position and fluffed my tail out really, really big…
Now where did I leave those nuts?
I’m nuts over this place…..
OMG! What happened to all of the trees? This must be squirrel Hell!
This year’s Presidential campaign almost makes me feel like jumping. On second thought, maybe I should just go to Washington and gather up all of the nuts, I’ll be set for LIFE!!!!
How am I going to get across!
Hmmm, I’m a good jumper, but is that acorn worth the risk? It’s awful far.
That first step’s a doozie!
Man, that cat on the internet was sure funny.
Now where did I bury that nut again?
Yup..it’s Grand all right.
I hereby claim this land in the name of all squirrelldom.
Is that Rick? Where’s Rick? That’s not Rick.
were are you bro!
I’m hungry.
I am such a terrific squirrel! There is just nothing to match my magnificence!
Hmmmm…Romney or Obama?
How long to I have to stand here?
I can see Russia from here!
Poor Uncle Bud, He’s never going to quit looking for where he hid that nine inch acorn…
Sometimes you feel like a nut……
Where the heck am I????
I can’t wait until this construction is over and the bridge is installed.
I know I burried it around here somewhere!
Hey! I can see my drey from here!
I want to vacation in Disney World!
Man. I’m thirsty!
I claim this land on behalf of all squirreldom.
Who shot J.R.?
I should be home sweeping!
If I get one more call asking who I’m voting for I swear I’m jumping!!
All the colors of the rainbow make this one of the grandest vistas in the world. Too bad I’m color blind.
Huh. Whaddya know, afraid of heights. Had no idea. Great. Perfect.
I love vacation.
No YOU Stop copying what I say!
Why is this person following me?
What a place to drop my contact lens!
Oh my God. I’m back. I’m home. All the time, it was… We finally really did it.
Not a nut in site, wait a minute here comes a tour bus.
Who am I? ….
I should have stopped and asked for directions.
“As the composer Ferde Grofe’ said ‘Grand Canyon – SWEET!'”
There’s only one way to see if I’m the flying type.
I’m, the master of all I survey
Hmm… It looks nicer on the other rim.
Helloooooo? Find me on Match.com!
“Darn road construction!”
When will Brad and Angie finally get married?
Wow, my acorn fell down there!
THIS is not my fault!! Sure, I buried a few acorns but not here!
This hole is not my fault! I dug a few to bury nuts, but not this one!!
You don’t know me or what I’m thinking! I may be as you call me a “squirrel” but I am now actually feeling small and insignificant in the face of such vastness, not thinking about nuts at all thank you very much!
Man, that’s a whole lotta hole!
this is NUTS – so for sure ill find some here, FOR SURE!
Christopher Walken was the best guest host on Saturday Night Live.
Well if Thelma and Louise can do it,so can I!
Very, very funny guys. First one to fall asleep at the party…wake up here. Funny. Hilarious. Hey, guys?
There can’t be many more places left to dig before I find that last nut.
I have the best backyard ever!
Next time, I’m getting reservations at Phantom Ranch.
“Oops… She must have thought I was a mouse!”
“Of all the places, in all the world, I had to hide my nut here.”
I can’t believe you people are still watching me…
The universe is infinite and unknowable and full of delicious nuts!
Quick, grab their trail mix while I distract them…
This contest is nuts.
My Gosh! My cousin Joe the Mole has REALLY been busy!
I still have NO idea how I got all the way up here. Please be a dream, please be a dream …
I know I can get down but how will I ever get up?
Now this is what I call the longgggg jump!!!!
So many nuts, so little time.
If I had thumbs I would text everyone a picture !!
Not Another Photo Contest!!!
The only nuts here are those hikers going to the bottom with no water.
I wonder where I left those acorns??
I dunno, I guess a ladder would be good. IF ONLY I HAD THUMBS!
They called it “Grand”!! Wow holly Canyon!! it’s Graaand!!
AHDH kickin’ in. Tourist. Food. Canyon. Wow. Tourist. Food. Canyon. Wow.
Ooops. Dropped that darn acorn!
you don’t suppose there is a shortcut to the other side?
NUTS!!!!!!! Were’d Elaine Go???????
I should have gone left at Albuquerque!
Yippee-ki-yay small world!
OMG..check out this friggin ditch
BIG canyon………little legs!
Women… Why do they have to be so squirrely?
Oh boy, Where is my inner Scrat when I need him?
Holy schnikes!. That’s a long way for some nuts.
“WOW! Now that’s what I call a POTHOLE!”
“I must have made a wrong turn at Albuquerque…”
Forget 127 hours, I would knaw off my hand after 2 in this place !!!
finding a nut here is like finding a needle in a haystack
Gee Whiz! Let me say my morning prayers, and maybe, just maybe, God will guide me!!!
I’m wondering if there’s nuts in that hole?
so many hiding places… so little time… NUTS!
Hmmmm. They said there would be a bridge here.
Now where did I park?
Next time the dog chases me, he’s toast
wow! which way to the closet acorn
Why did I have to drop that nut here… !?!
Finally a home with plenty of storage space for all those nuts!
Why do I bury my nuts on the canyon floor? That’s a long way down for breakfast, lunch and supper.
“….now where did I leave that nut?…”
I am thinking about where to store my nuts for the fall and upcoming winter. I just had a great idea. I think I’ll squirrel on over to the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida and the head on over to the Democratic National convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. Me thinks I found two great places to store my nuts where they will not be all alone. Smile
If I’m going to get that acorn I better start channeling uncle Scrat.
Wow! Are you NUTS..This is my five minute of fame, you will have to come get me down! Here’s looking at you!
Now I know why they never got back home.
“As God as my witness, I will never go hungry again!”
I should be sweeping.
It’s good to be the king.
ALVIN, where’s the camera?
Man I wish this guy behind me would quit staring cause I really need to PEE!!
Ah,the pause that refreshes.
I thought getting through the badlands was rough!
Wow I can see for miles and miles! God made a beautiful creation! Now i think i need to find my nuts!
sure do wish this tail of mine, had turbo action.
Wouldn’t you know it … I dropped my nuts and they had to fall in there?!?!??!!
I was so sure I parked my Nut-mobile on this side of the Canyon. Honestly I need one of these tracking devices for it.
Oookay. Now I’ve got the nest done, off to find Mrs. Right!
deep gorge, check. large river, check. view to forever, check. Yup, Im home.
I naturally assumed ,as you would if you’re a squirrel,that the view they were talking about would be from a TREE!
WOW! No, one will steal my nuts. Now, let me see. Did I leave my nuts under THAT rock or THAT rock or THAT rock…..?
My brother said he put the nuts in a hole, gotta make sure he is a lot more specific next time
Oops, she must have thought I was a mouse!
“Oops… sorry lady… I didn’t mean to scare you!”
What if all my friends were to store all there nuts…. Nah! Not enough rrom.
hmm if there’s a possible peanut on every ledge then there should be a squirrel for every ledge–I call upon my friend squirrels- FiFi, Giorgio! UNITE
“which way did they go-George??”
Wow! That’s along ways to that tree for a nut!
WOW what a view!
I’m pretty sure she said to meet her here…
Hey Bullwinkle, come and check out the view!
Wonder if Elaine likes me??
Gosh! I’m Ronnie, the Flying Squirrel, not Evil Knievel. I don’t think I can make it across to the other side!
“Now Where’s That Nut at now!!Oh Geeezzz.”Anyone remember those hi five’n Squrrils,”Who’s laughin Now!!””He-He-he!”
Say cheese!
i am just a squirrel trying to find a nut
..now WHERE did i bury those nuts…..??
Not Bad. Fifteen pounds of primo cashews to pose for two minutes while Mr. Nat Geo takes my pic. And then some nerdos guess what I’m thinking. I’m thinking, “Sucker!”
Not in Kansas anymore
Wow. I knew the Joneses were expanding their burrow, but they really outdid themselves this time!
Cousin Scrat would say “Go for it!!”
“Oh nuts…. where are my nuts?”
It looked a lot closer in the pictures!
Flying squirrel? HA! You’re nutty!
Alvin, I’ll pose for the tourists while you raid the backpacks!
Sure is a long way down….just to get a nut!
Boy do I wish i hadn’t dropped that nut here
That nut is coming up here one way or another! Where there’s a will, there’s a way! I can’t believe I dropped it!
Goodbye cruel world!
It does’nt get better than this!
What a great place to store all my nuts.
“Oh boy, they will surely put me in the ‘nut-house’ if I try this stunt…
I gotta do something with this backyard.
Where is Waldo?
Where did I bury that acorn?
It’s going to take a lot of acorns to fill this baby…..I better get busy!
Last time I use a gps to find nuts!
One ponders life’s choices…
and the insignificance of it all.
But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
“I can make it. Hold my beer, watch this…”
Hey guys listen,….NUT ut ut ut ut.
Thank Goodness I’m a flying squirrel?
Those stupid gophers are so ambitious.
Darn! I forgot my parachute.
Yea, yea, yea – “Ma’am. Do not feed the squirrels. Let’s keep the wildlife wild.” HEY, do I smell a backpack???
What??? How do you think I got here? You never heard of Rocky the Flying Squirrel???
I’m still waiting for my echo to come back!
Darn pesky tourists!!!! I am tired of those peanuts!!!! Look there is someone with caschews!!!!!!
“What are we going to do today Bob?” “The same thing we do every day, Joe. We’re going to try to trip the tourists and steal their ice cream.”
“What are we going to do today Bob?” “The same thing we do every day, Joe. We’re going to find the tourists and photo-bomb their pictures.”
…I don’t know HOW those lemmings Do it!!
Too far! Nuts! Now, where’s that man with the jet pack?
Now, where was that tree?
“Why did Uncle Billy’s post card say ‘Wish you were here?'”
It’s times like these, I wish I were a flying squirrel…
I should have left a trail of bread crumbs! Where is that dang nut?
I really, really wish she hadn’t moved to the North Rim.
“I think I can, I think I can!”
Well this is another fine jam I have gotten myself into.
Well, this is another fine jam I have gotten myself into.
There’s nuttin here but a big hole!!
Where is the Bus Stop?
If you take one more picture lady, I jump!
So, you think I’m crazy for sitting so close the edge? Well, to quote a very famous Native American Proverb, “Every animal knows more than you do”.
So WHERE is that Skywalk?
They got to be NUTS to think I’m going down there!
If chickens cross roads, can squirrels cross canyons?
I like being on top!
Wow!!! I can’t believe it,I forgot what direction that eagle flying in.
You can’t get there from here!
Boy, I really hope I’m one of those “Flying” squirrels!!!
“The world is my Oyster, so why do I limit myself to Nuts?”
How do I get down?!
Let’s see, I’ll have to travel by night so Hawks & Snakes don’t get me; or yeah and I better bring plenty of nuts with me!
Where is that tree full of “NUTS”!!!
“I wish I was like cousin Bernie..A Flying Squirrel!”
Curse You Gophers!
Once in a lifetime, you are faced with a challenge so great, that most feel it an impossibility. I CAN DO THIS!
I’ll say it’s Grand!
WOW, the story of Great Squirrel and his Giant Nut Hole is true!!
BYYYYYYRON…………you have GOT to come get a load of THIS !!!!
WOW Nature is grand!
I new I should have paid attention in flight class!!
When you gotta go, you gotta go…
“hmmmm… at all the nuts i could find out there!”
Man, that flash mob of gophers did some amazing work!
“Okay, so I put my nose up against this big painting of the Grand Canyon… now what am I supposed to do? Oh yeah… READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!”
Wow… somebody has been busy!
He gave me his nut, then he went AAAUUUGGHHhhhhhh…. SPLAT! And that’s the truth! Really!
Mine all Mine!
So MANY places to hide nuts…
What Defines you is not what you do, but how as you get up after falling….
I wonder where I left that acorn.
She told me to meet her here…can I really trust Match.com?
there will be a time,i own all of this,will see human!
‘How could she leave me for that rotten little chipmunk…’
I’m sure there are no nuts down there!
DID anyone see where that nut landed?? It was my last one !!
Mom said there would be days like this.
Dang that is the 3rd human this week. When will they learn not to feed the elk. Those horns get em every time!
Why don’t stones have a taste as good as Acorn, getting one is a quixotic thought for me!!!
“Chip? Hammy? Where are…. I KNEW We should’ve listened to mom!”
Now did they say we were meeting at the South Rim or the North Rim?
“That’s deep”
“I’ve been digging so long I forgot why I’ve been digging so long! NUTS! Oh… that’s right… NUTS!”
“I think I may have overemphasized the importance of having a large enough hole…”
“I’d better get crackin’ if I’m gonna fill that thing with nuts…”
I forget. Am I a flying squirrel or not?
Oh, no! How do I get down? The last thing I remember was the party by the campfire.
damned,no elevator !!!!!
lets try something different..lets flyyyy
This would be a perfect time to discover I am a flying squirrel.
This would be a great place for a zip-line!
My grandpa told me that this all is due to trying to find a lost acorn…
I really wish I wasn’t afraid of heights…
My backyard rocks!
I don’t believe it………….not even one acorn tree!!!!
I think my GPS sent down the wrong road again.
Wow, I can see my house from here!
Ah, I’ve reached the promised land — void of dogs!
Live Free or Die Hard!
Damn! The only time I forget my parachute I drop my nuts!
Don’t blame me! I just live here!
To jump or not to jump… that is the question?
“‘Find a nice little tree’ my mother said. ‘Live in a city park’ my father said. Sometimes a little squirrel has dreams so big, it takes a Grand Canyon to hold them.”
“WHOA! I could fit a lot of nuts in here!”
“I love the chance to scare motorists by darting out on the road…but today for a bit of fun with the hikers…”
Oh nuts, I might be a flying Squirrel but this is too far!
“You want me to fly across that?”
Wish I’d brought by guilder!
Geesh, the cell phone reception is terrible here! Wish I could tweet about this.
“Condors only eat dead things….right?”
One day, all of this will belong to my children.
Even I stand in awe at the mighty works of God! :)
Mom was right, it is worth the trip!
OK. So the idea was a little squirrely!
Is that the Kardashians down there? They’re everywhere…ugh!
Auntie Em! This doesn’t look like Kansas!
Okay, where did I put that nut?
It’s all mine, Obi Wan.
Now where did I bury that nut?!?
I just know there’s a girl for me out there somewhere!
“I’m no Rocky, but I think I can jump this!”
Are the words “LAY dee ODLE OH doh AY ee dee” or “OH LAY dee ODLE OH dee Ay?”
Who’s Paul Ryan ??
Where did I leave that acorn?