Grand Canyon Sweepstakes Winner Announced
Congratulations to Jeana Boland from Modesto, California for winning the Grand Canyon Visitor Center moviemaking sweepstakes! Jeana won a Nikon 3200 HD camera and Grand Canyon: Rivers of Time DVD. Jeana was randomly picked from more than 10,000 entries!
As fortune would have it, the camera is going to a good home. Jeana is giving the camera to her daughter who is taking photography in school. We look forward to some great photos and hope the win has inspired a trip to the Grand Canyon!
We will be announcing a new sweepstakes in the coming days so stay tuned. Once again, a big congratulations to Jeana and thank you to all who entered. Best of luck next time!

Jeana Boland, 2014 Sweepstakes winner with her daughter.