May 5 Prescribed Burn to be Visible from Grand Canyon Village

Every spring, fire managers conduct several prescribed burns in the forest areas in and around Grand Canyon National Park. The planned, carefully managed fires are essential for restoring or maintaining the ecological health of forests, as well as for decreasing future fire risks to human life, property, and natural resources. However, the smoke generated by these fires can be alarming to the public. So officials with the National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Forest Service publish schedules of planned burns ahead of time.

Several burns are scheduled for the week of May 2 in the Grand Canyon region. Smoke from a burn on Thursday, May 5, is expected to be visible from Grand Canyon Village. Park visitors and area residents are also likely to see a large number of fire vehicles and fire personnel that day. The NPS advises people to drive slowly, turn on headlights, follow traffic control signs and directions, and avoid stopping in active work areas. The burn is part of the annual readiness review for Grand Canyon wildland fire crews.

The NPS fire managers plan to burn approximately 40 acres of forest, primarily ponderosa pine, east of the Grand Canyon Village historic district and south of the South Entrance Road on May 5. Temporary closures and detours of the South Entrance Road and Greenway Trial will be in effect from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The Village (Blue) shuttle bus will not pick up passengers at the Village East bus stop or Shrine of Ages during the closure period. However, the shuttle can be boarded at the bus stops at the Train Depot and Market Plaza.

Related:  Hotels within Grand Canyon National Park Temporarily Closed

Also from 10:00 am to 2:00 PM, interested members of the public can meet fire personnel in the Shrine of Ages parking lot, learn about the importance of fire to ecosystem health, and view the fire from a safe site.