Travel App-T, Take on the World

Moody flight schedules, umpteen sights to see, fears of getting lost, trying out new cuisines, getting around town, weathering it, oversized luggage, language barriers, fluctuating ForEx rates – there’s an app-t solution for all. Turn on your smart phone and turn off your woes, for apps are fast revolutionizing the way we travel. Here are the top five apps that are poised to your smart device smarter and your travel experience, smoother.

Trip Lingo: How many words, thoughts and minutes get lost in translation? Don’t lose out on potential relationships for want of a better word. Trip Lingo is a power packed language app complete with a phonetic guide and slang slider – a feature which regulates the number of allowed colloquialisms. Uses the flash card format to memorize commonly used phrases and communicate with ease.

Wikitude: A picture speaks a thousand words. Wikitude’s super cool interface lets you perceive the world through different eyes. Just hover over a panorama through your camera’s viewfinder and receive a host of information on your surroundings. Wikitude uses GPS to track your location and is a great way to take in local history and must see spots in your immediate surroundings.

Triposo: With its comprehensive and intuitive city maps, you will never find yourself lost in a new place again. Learn historical facts, understand customs, read reviews and sample new cuisines from an extensive list of restaurants. All information is available offline and is free.

Wi-Fi Finder: What good are smart apps, when you can’t connect to the internet? Wi-Fi finder lets you locate the nearest Wi-Fi hotspot, saving you a bundle on international data rates. This app tracks over 200,000 hotspots in 135 countries.

Where: A host of great apps, bundled into one compact interface. Where gives you information on hotels and restaurants in the vicinity, cheap gas, movie show times, weather forecasts, traffic conditions and the latest news headlines. It also lets you browse through the Yellow Pages and Yelp directories.

Another new app that’s making waves in the travel world is the CheapOair. So, don’t lose sleep over meeting budget requirements or being able to catch a seat on the next flight, make your travel plans on the CheapOair iPhone App now.