Grand Canyon Stamp Honors NPS Centennial
The U.S. Postal Service is honoring the 100th anniversary of…

Grand Canyon National Park is Need of Volunteers for 2016 Earth Day
Spring is in the air, bringing lots opportunities for us to delve…

Grand Canyon Backcountry Comment Period Extended
The period for submitting public comments on proposals to revise…

Tandem Skydiving to be Offered at Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon visitors will have the opportunity to jump out of…

$48 Million in Centennial Challenge Projects Announced by NPS
In early February, the National Park Service (NPS) announced…

Drought-Caused Knickpoint Rapids Create Challenges for Rafters and NPS
The lengthy, severe drought affecting much of the Western United…

Controversy Over Proposed Grand Canyon Buffer
A plan proposed by an Arizona congressman to add a protective…

Webinar and Open House for New Grand Canyon Backcountry Management Plan
Members of the public can participate in a webinar on Monday,…

Lottery for 2017 Rafting Trips Open Through February 24
Experienced rafters aged 18 or older have until February 24 to…

Drinking and Rafting in the Grand Canyon Do Not Always Go Together
If you want to drink alcohol during your breath-taking, heart-pounding…

See the Grand Canyon in Miniature in Hamburg, Germany
Miniatur Wunderland—an extremely popular attraction inside…

18 Inches of Snow Fall on the South Rim
2016 began with a big white wallop for the Grand Canyon as a…

Grand Canyon is Free to Visit on MLK Jr Day
To commemorate both the birthday of the late great civil rights…

Grand Canyon National Park Participates in 127th Rose Parade
Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP) marked the 100th anniversary…

Grand Canyon News Week of Dec 28th 2015
Grand Canyon National Park Participates in 127th Rose Parade

Grand Canyon News Week of Dec 21st 2015
Grand Canyon facts: 5 things you probably didn't know
The Grand…

Grand Canyon is One of Many National Parks Open for Winter Activities
People looking for outdoor adventures and excitement could hardly…

2015 was a Record Year for Grand Canyon West Visitors
A milestone was reached by Grand Canyon West visitors on December…

Ratz, the Grand Canyon Mule—and the El Tovar Waiter
The mules of the Grand Canyon have long served as a popular form…

Grand Canyon News Week of Dec 7th 2015
Grand Canyon makes list of most popular Facebook check-in spots…

Martin’s Boat Movie Honors Conservationist Martin Litton
The late conservationist and whitewater rafting pioneer Martin…

Grand Canyon Officials Making Plans to Improve Backcountry Experience
The public has until February 24, 2016, to comment on proposals…

El Tovar Hotel at the South Rim: Offering Elegance for 100 Years
One hundred years after opening its doors, the world-class El…

Northern Arizona Could Collect $51 Million Annually if Bill Passes
According to a November report by the firm BBC Research and Consulting,…

Early Close for Highway to Grand Canyon’s North Rim?
The Arizona Department of Transportation announced in November…

New Contract for Development at Grand Canyon’s South Rim
The National Park Service (NPS) announced in September 2015 that…

Grand Canyon News: Week of September 14th 2015
Road Construction Could Produce Traffic Snarls At Grand Canyon…

Grand Canyon News: Week of September 7th 2015
Food Trucks, Revamped Lodges Coming Soon to the Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon News: Week of August 31st 2015
Top 10 things to do at the Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon Railway

Grand Canyon News: Week of August 24th 2015
Adventure 101: Rafting the Grand Canyon
Numerous outfitters…