Get some insider information from Visitor Center staff on things to do while visiting the Grand Canyon.

Pink Jeep
Grand Canyon Helicopters
Night SkyShutterstock
Ellign Halvorson
Food Bank Grand Canyon
Bright Angel Trail

The Most Popular Grand Canyon Attractions: Kolb Studio, Bright Angel Trail

There are some places which beg further scrutiny, however inconspicuous…
Erin Spineto at Grand Canyon

Hiker Mistakes that Can Ruin your Grand Canyon Vacation… or Worse

Updated Feb 24, 2020 The Grand Canyon is visited by thousands…

The Plague is Still Around, Grand Canyon Squirrels May Carry It

Updated Feb 24, 2020 The Grand Canyon National Park is one…
Mules on Kiabab Trail Grand Canyon

Mules Reign Supreme Over Horses In The Grand Canyon

Updated Feb 24, 2020 Ever wondered why mules are used for trips…
Lipan Point Grand Canyon

Points to Ponder – Top Ten Lookout Points Of the Grand Canyon

Updated Feb 24, 2020 A room with a view. A view to die for.…

Grand Canyon in One Day: Tips from a Local

Updated Feb 24, 2020 The Grand Canyon is just that…‘Grand’…
North Rim vs South Rim Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon: South Rim vs. North Rim

Each year, more than 5 million people visit the Grand Canyon…
Grand Canyon Videos

5 Best Grand Canyon Videos to Fuel Your Wanderlust

Updated Feb 24, 2020 Live vicariously through these visual…
Grand Canyon SunriseShutterstock

Grand Canyon Named One of Best Spots to See a Sunrise

Updated Feb 24, 2020 Waking up before dawn can be a treat…
Elevated danger of wildfires in Arizona April 19, 2018

Tips for Visiting the Grand Canyon

Updated Feb 24, 2020 Tips for Visiting the Grand Canyon The…
Grand Canyon TourismShutterstock

Benefits Abound for the Grand Canyon’s Communities Through Tourism

Updated Feb 24, 2020 Tourism is essential for the communities…
Grand Canyon SwingShutterstock

Don’t Look Down! Grand Canyon Swing Possibly the World’s Scariest Ride

Updated Feb 24, 2020 Some people walk a thin line 1,500 feet…
Grand Canyon Things to do and avoid

Grand Canyon: Things to Do & Avoid

Updated Feb 24, 2020 Visitors at Grand Canyon National Park…
Grand Canyon Spring BreakShutterstock

The Grand Haunted History of the Canyon’s El Tovar Hotel

Updated Feb 24, 2020 When you’re going a vacation to Grand…

Grand Canyon Closing Time

Walnut CanyonImage by David Mark from Pixabay

Walnut Canyon

Winslow, ArizonaImage by mattcaz from Pixabay
Horseshoe BendShutterstock

Horseshoe Bend Overlook

PageImage by ArtTower from Pixabay
Grand Canyon National Monument
Snow at Grand Canyon
Train Tour

The Polar Express